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From spatial policy plan to widely supported future story

For the city of Sint-Niklaas, we translated the new spatial policy plan into a credible narrative that city workers can convey and residents can rally behind.


City of Sint-Niklaas

Multi-stakeholder management
Communication strategy
Brand strategy

From theory to practice

Over the past few years, Sint-Niklaas has accumulated valuable insights, knowledge and visions about urban development which are continuously being deepened and broadened. The foundation? The lobes city model: a spatial development model where the city centre is expanded not concentrically but around several strong axes (the 'lobes'), allowing nature to permeate deep into the city. Now the time was right for Sint-Niklaas to consolidate all the research and puzzle pieces and translate them into action.

Getting city staff and residents on board

Consultancy firm Sweco is the city’s partner to integrate existing policy plans and, together with stakeholders, further shape them into a unified spatial policy plan. But that’s not the end of it. How do you ensure that city employees champion this plan? And how do you cultivate understanding among Sint-Niklaas residents for difficult decisions, foster commitment to contribute and instil pride in their city? Food for thought for Shaved Monkey!

Deep understanding of the journey taken

We monkeys believe in a thorough approach. To craft an inspiring story that resonates with people, we first delved into existing policy plans. Then, during two workshops with the city, we examined the project both from an internal (sender) and external (receiver) perspective. Whom do we want to reach? What are our goals? What impact do we aim to achieve? What do our stakeholders expect? What concerns them? How can we engage them?

Birth of Plan Bloei

Based on these workshops, we arrived at a clear and shared understanding of the target audiences and objectives, formulated the essence of the story and devised a strategy for communication and creation. This blueprint then evolved into a creative concept which we named “Plan Bloei” (Plan Bloom). Building upon the new name, we also designed a modern logo and attractive look-and-feel, a powerful future narrative and a 'pick-presentation' that aids city staff in delivering the story now and in the future.

What we're proud of

We're quite proud that Plan Bloei equips the city today with the tools to generate interest, engagement and goodwill among various stakeholders in the years to come. And we're pleased to have come up with a stimulating name, striking style and inspiring story for a complex issue. Onwards and upwards for a flourishing future for Sint-Niklaas!

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