Polle de Maagt
Polle transforms companies so they are less about ads and more about actions. With almost 40 years of experience as a critical consumer and more than a decade of experience within large corporations, he thrives on aligning the needs of the customer, the employee and the company to achieve their goals. Polle is a truly rational, prudent and thoughtful planner.
- Listening & asking questions
- Brand & experience strategy
- Storytelling & storydoing
- Facilitation & process design
- PowerPoint & Keynote
Also loves
- His two kids
- Solo hiking through the desert
- Awful Dutch sing-alongs
- Getting up early
- Doing things for the first time
Other monkeys
Robin ibens
Founder & Head of Change
Joanna Ryckaert
Project Lead Brands
Dries Lybaert
Project Manager
Jan Denys
Rein De Block
Vicky Janssen
Communications Strategist
Wendy Van den Wyngaert
Operations Manager
Lore Peersman
Account director
Lisa Kaspers
PR strategist
Eva Nowé
Copywriter & Project Manager
Johan Van Oeckel
Art Director
Lotte Neirynck
Brand Expert
Willem Roose
Daphne De Wit
Communication Strategist
Eva Boelen
Project Manager
Jill Bosmans
Digital marketing strategist
Want to talk?
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